Hi there and welcome to my About You By Bec website. Thanks for checking us out
A little bit about me and how the Beyond program came about.
I am a fitness, nutrition and lifestyle practitioner and the Founder of “About You By Bec”.
I began my journey 55 kg overweight and had tried every diet that was out there and thanks to my results I have been on Today Tonight, The Today Show, in New Idea magazine as well as a consultant, Super couch and blogger for the Healthy Mummy where I have helped hundreds of women every day.
With over 5 years in the Weight loss industry and with 3 years as an ambassador for the Healthy Mummy, I have helped thousands of women transition from being overweight to living their best life. I enjoy using this diverse knowledge to now support my clients each day. Not only do I have my own experiences, I truly understand we all need something a little different to succeed on this journey
After trying every diet under the sun as well as my experiences seeing thousands of women struggling while working with “The Healthy Mummy” where I was hosting lives each week within the private community and public forums, I have seen and heard it all. So you can rest assured that I know a thing or two about weight loss when it comes to women,
So I decided to create the “Beyond” program so we could help women take back their power, start living their best life and smash their heath and lifestyle goals.
I am so proud to have grown “beyond” to what it is today and am so excited to watch it evolve. I have a strong focus on development to ensure we are supporting you the best we can with one on one support where we provide you with the knowledge to finally succeed and we give you access to over 40 different group training sessions with up to 10 different trainers. We give you access to the About You By Bec App with Meal plans that are made for you, not just a cookie-cutter meal plan. Weekly Check-ins with myself with Feedback on your progress and so much more
When I’m not helping women integrate their new lifestyles, I’m usually trying to wrangle my 5 amazing children (so I know a thing or two about being busy at home lol), pottering away in the kitchen where I like to try out new recipes or getting some quiet in the garden. My absolute passion is planning out our next family travelling adventure
But enough about me, If you are ready to get off the diet train, drop the BS excuses and start living your best life your very first step is to jump into our private support group with the link below. See you there